Monday, November 5, 2012

A dread for sale

This guitar was finished about one year ago.  I like to keep them around for a year to be sure I know how its going to settle in.  After about a year there are few surprises that might affect setup.
Adirondack top with Brazilian ridge

bird foot purfling line around top.  The rosette is abalone and cocobolo

Butt joint showing classic style purfling and curly maple binding

Soundy port.  Very trendy add on.  Projects some of the sound directly to the player.  Paradoxically it also increases the sound projected out the sound hole in the top

Pau Fero with lots of figure

cocobolo peghead overlay with maple binding and purfling.  This cocobolo matches the rosette

Mahogany neck with a maple laminate.  There is a slight sunburst shading on the neck

Peghead back with recurved volute and brazilian overlay (underlan?)  Nickel Waverley tuners

Sunday, October 28, 2012

guitar 102 box ready for the finish

sitka top, herring bone purfling, abalone and rosewood rosette

East Indian Rosewood
Curly Koa binding with bwb purfling lines

Ditto for the butt joint

The color will pop out under finish

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

guitar 101

The laminated linings are now complete and ready for shaping

Cocobolo stock book matched for the peghead overlay.  Soon to be thinned
the long piece is cocobolo and sized for a fingerboard

Monday, July 2, 2012

Some work on 100, 101 and now 102

Three guitars on the bench.  Just the right number IMHO.
making a blackwood ring for 100

routing a recess in the top for that ring.

102.  This guitar is made using some wood with sentimental as well as aesthetic value. 
Here the end of a mahogany plank is being sliced off to make the headstock.  It was reversed glued today.  Pics of that later.

101 no pics taken, but the lining is in the process of being glued on the inside of the guitar shell.  That is not a very photogenic process.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

guitar 101

gluing in the blocks

thinning the back with a scraper plane

guitar 100

the linings are complete.  Glued and shaped.  They show evidence of lamination with color changes
Linings are red cedar and the sound port reinforcement is koa

red spruce braces on back

brace ends shaped

Thursday, June 7, 2012

updates on 100 and 101

100 and 101 in progress

Bending the cutaway the old fashioned way for 100

Rosewood may be the least challenging wood of all to bend, maple being the exceptin to that generalization

sides for 100 bent and clamped in mold for fit

end blocks in place and laminated lining being glued in
this will take over a week because of drying time

Out of sequence shot.  This shows the spherical arch being sanded onto the sides of 100.  The spherical disk below spins and I hold the mold with sides clamped over the disk sanding in both the general spherical edge and the bevel from front to back

guitar 101
these sides are cocobolo.  Very resinous wood that clogs sandpaper in a heartbeat.  To thin the sides I am going low tech with a plane across the grain of the wood

followed by a scraper plane going the length of the wood

 and finally a hand held scraper to remove the last of the planing marks

The sides for 101 bent near the back for 101 which has been glued together but not yet thinned

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Guitar 100

So this is a milestone of sorts.  Guitar 100.  It will be made of African Blackwood and probably bearclaw sitka, though other top woods are still in plan. 
Body is a 000 cutaway.  Here I am working on the sides.

Bending the cutaway

sides positioned in the mold

Monday, May 14, 2012

guitar 99 David's 000

This is a 000 guitar
back and sides are Honduras Rosewood

Peghead with honduras RW overlay

Adirondack Spruce top.  Bear claw

Binding is dark Brazilian Rosewood

Laminated Mahogany neck, Rosewood center laminate