If it appears that I skip around a lot it is because that is the order in which I build. Lots of projects are set on hold while glue dries, or while I search for inspiration, or take care of other projects that are making me feel guilty or are impacting my cash flow. At any rate, today I am binding Bob's zircote OM. This frame below shows how I cut out purfling strips for the top. The strips are going to be made of pink ivory. The wood is very brittle when worked thin enough to make purflingstrips and I have shattered a number of strip trying to cut them with a band saw, a coping saw, a knife, etc. etc. This fret saw with a jewelers blade seems to work the best. These strips go around the top inside the binding.

Below shows a strip of binding glued into place held in its channel with straping tape
The prebent pieces of binding for the rest of the guitar are on the blue quilt
A close up of the binding with the bottom purfling line glued in place. I glue the pink ivory onto the zircote before I bend it. The glue used is Titebond III. In my experience it is least likely to turn loose during the hot bending process.
In order to match the purfling lines on the binding with the purfling line already glued to the end wedge, I must cut a 45 degree mitre. It is pretty easy to do if you polish the bottom of the chisel and use it as a mirror to judge how the cut end of the purfling line will line up with the purfling line in the wedge.
You can see by this reflection that they line up pretty well.
The other choore is to make sure the ends and the bottom edge of the bingding mate with their respective surfaces while preserving the good mitre joint. A little work remain on this joint.
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